Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 8 – March 8th

So I made it home from Bedford after spending only £4.80 of the £50 I brought with me. I don't know whether that's something to be proud of or supremely embarrassed about. Thank god Orna and Simon are coming over for Easter so I can have them over for a feast of a dinner after them feeding me for the past three days.


In some respects it is highly impressive that I made it back with so many pounds (of the currency variety – let's not concern ourselves with the ones related to weight, of which I'm sure I also returned with an impressive quantity). Under normal circumstances, buoyed on by the fact that you can't spend sterling in Ireland, I'd have gone on a veritable spending spree in Luton Airport. The DVDs always seem cheaper, the lotions and potions promise to reduce more wrinkles than those paid for in Euro and all the books which I've been meaning to read for an eternity suddenly seem to be on special offer. My pockets start smoking as the sterling begins to burn a gaping hole in them and before I know it I'm laden down with loot and the spoils of a 10 minute shopping spree. Not so today.  I kept my head down lest I be distracted and walked purposefully towards boarding gate number 2, where I bagged a free mag and waited patiently for Ryanair to herd us onto our flight. 

So that's about £45 not spent.


The thoughts of the lotions and potions however have struck a chord with me today. My skin is staging a protest. I ran out of my usual moisturiser last week and as I'm not supposed to be buying unnecessarily, I felt it only appropriate to run down my stash of partially used Clinique cream before replacing the stuff my face likes. In less than a week it's completely dried out my skin and now I feel like a haggard, weather-beaten old woman akin to Peig Sayers. Thank goodness it's nearly all gone and I can justifiably replace my other stuff next week.

Spent nothing today J

Didn't spend about £45

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