Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 26 - March 26th

There was no time for dilly dallying this morning so over the toll bridge I went - €1.80 each way.

Just about managed to fit in a run with Ciara’s iPod before getting my grand tourismo of Dublin underway. I’ve finally reached the point where I’m enjoying running. I knew it would come eventually, but I was beginning to doubt myself. The knees have been acting up a bit lately, but if I keep it up, slow and steady, I’m sure they’ll be fine. If Bernard Dunne can fight through the pain then so can I! I’ve been indulging myself in a little iPod related web surfing lately, trying to decide on the most appropriate device for my needs. Initially, I was glad of the opportunity to have time to thoroughly mull over my potential purchases. I may now be at the point however where I’m beginning to over think these acquisitions. Either way, the web surfing is coming along nicely and I’m almost in a place where I may be able to make a decision. Once I’ve decided on my iPod needs, I will then get researching on the heart monitor. This however is more of an extravagance than a need and may require serious investment so I think I’ll wait till after the mini marathon to make any decisions. I will have a far better idea then as to where I stand on the whole running issue.

From DCU, I zipped back across the city for my Yoga class where I bent, stretched and contorted myself in accordance with petite teacher’s instructions. We were subjected to some new and exciting postures which I attempted with enthusiasm, only to find myself careering towards my mat while endeavouring to look like a crow. I suspect I’m going to be sore tomorrow. A quick dip into the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, some dyoralite (it’s good for flying too apparently and I’ll be doing some of that tomorrow) and an orange barley sugar which reminded me of being sick as a child. As deliciously sticky as I remember them – yum!

On to Blackrock where I finally had a chance to eat. I hate that canteen. Thieving gypsies. A sambo, peppermint tea and a bottle of water set me back €7.70. Is it any wonder I avoid that place like the plague these days. Evidently I’m not the only one as there wasn’t much evidence of many other diners there.

Total Spent today €28.90 (Toll x 2 - €3.60; Pharmacy - €15.60; Robbery in the canteen - €7.70)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm just read your blog its very interesting that, you put your cost here! May be you're a good and funny man. Ok, dear friend, O.. friend? I already tell you if you not accept me its no problem.
