Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 25 – March 25th

Again not at Weight Watchers and again making progress. Go me! I know if I were there right now I'd be close to getting a little silver seven and dreaming about my stone. I wonder when I go back and they see all the weight I'll have lost will they give them to me then? I'm all about the rewards you see so it stands to reason that I would be focusing on this and worrying about missing out on my prizes and recognition!

Not spent - €10 on WW

Tea - €1.70

Word of the day – Recessionista: "A person who is able to stick to a tight budget while still managing to dress stylishly". Looking at my outfit today it's highly doubtful whether I could realistically claim to be one. I don't really think I'd be the most stylish of dressers even if I had all the money in the world. But I now have an image of myself as an uber stylish recessionista, and anyone who's ever read the secret knows that if you believe it then it will happen!

Soup – €3.95 – Had to pay today L Was delicious as usual though.

Petrol -€20 – I think I only just made it to the filling station on time. The light had been on all day and I was genuinely concerned for my little petrol tank. Wisely I decided to fill up at a station down a hill rather than up it so were I do stall I could coast to my destination.


Total spent today - €25.65

Not Spent - €10



  1. The generic brands are all the same - sometimes the pharmacist can offer a combination of products if there is not one generic option!

    Good for future knowledge - the same applies for prescription drugs too!

  2. Why thank you! So full of knowledge! Were you watching the great cold sore race last night perhaps?
