I'm still in the horrors.
Considering I didn't get up till 12 and had to fly home in this state I feel like I've had a remarkably productive day. Probably not as productive as all the people who cooked for me, but productive nonetheless.
The morning/afternoon began with a stressful trip to Ailish's. £3.10 on the train. How it took me an hour to get from Balham to Battersy I will never understand, but when I arrived, Joe and Mairead were busy in the kitchen and a few minutes later they produced a feast of a lunch that my poor weary, hung-over body will be eternally grateful for. After only an hour or so it was time to leave for the Airport - £13.30 on the train – where I met up with Lizzie, who looked just like I felt. She spent the last of her sterling on water, a sambo and sushi for me and down we sat eating and praying that our flight would be on time. Happily it was and upon landing in Dublin airport I bought us both Smoothies - €9.50 – in an effort to pep us up enough so that we could make it home. Thankfully Liz had her car and gave me a lift back to Rathfarnham where I changed into my trakkies, grabbed Season Two of 'The Wire' and headed off to Olivia and Conor's, arriving just in time for Dinner. Some spuds, carrots, gingerale and a chocolate cupcake later we sat down to watch episode one and I promptly fell fast asleep. Why I did not go to bed as soon as I got home I do not know. But dinner was a nice surprise and it involved potatoes which were vital to me in the state I was in.
Total spent today £16.40 and €9.50
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