Good Lord what a day! My heart has been in my mouth so many times that I think my intestines and internal organs were seriously considering permanently rearranging themselves. I've also been so close to peeing in my pants that I have genuinely been contemplating the fitting of a catheter for all future sporting occasions. Especially ones of today's magnitude. After Man Utd lost 2-0 I began to develop a very good feeling about the rest of today's sporting fixtures, but nothing was to prepare me for such nail biting rugby and passionate boxing, the likes of which I have never seen before. Incredible.
They are amazing athletes - so fit and so mentally strong - I have a newfound respect for them. What they put themselves through is unbelievable. None of these comments have anything to do with my spending habits but I'm just so blown away I have to write about it! I suppose I could say that as I ended up having to watch the Rugby in the Chinese and elected to watch Bernard Dunne at home with my dad that I was shielded from the temptation to booze it up in some pub and therefore spent nothing while witnessing sporting history!
Before my day of sports kicked in however, there was the small matter of paying the lovely Marina for cleaning my apartment from top to bottom. That woman has no idea how appreciated she is. I think there are about 6 households in the Churchtown/Rathfarnham area that would gladly erect a statue in honour of her and her cleaning greatness. Think Bernard Dunne with a hoover and you're nearly there - €25.
Marina goes to Mum and Dad's house after she finishes with my place so I usually call over and take the dogs for a long walk so they're not in her way. Today was no exception so I arrived to some frenzied and frantic barking about 5 minutes after Marina did. Then the problems started. Just one problem really. One of the leads had gone missing. We searched the house from top to bottom and checked all the cars but there was still no sign of it. I knew it was really lost when smart dog didn't even attempt to look for it. In the past he's barked outside rooms he's known his lead to be in, in an effort to persuade someone to take him for a walk. Not so today. I was repeatedly told by members of my family to just go and buy another lead, mostly because the dogs were going insane and I really needed to get them out of the house. I however felt I couldn't justify such a purchase as the lost lead had to be somewhere. In the end I took them to the park where leads were surplus to requirements in the hope that missing lead would turn up. It hasn't.
It's Mother's Day tomorrow. In some households this may be considered a non event. In our family however, this is most definitely not the case. By this afternoon preparations for the mother of all mother's days were well underway. I put Dublin based brother on present duty and he duly appeared home this afternoon with a selection of blackberry, loganberry and raspberry bushes for the garden. Australia based brother has been informed that this day is upon us and I've strongly hinted that he might like to send some flowers. I am on cooking duty and have planned a feast to beat all mother's day feasts. Such preparations of course, demand some serious food shopping so I forked out €30.87 in the fruit and veg shop and will be hitting SuperValu in the morning. Then I settled in for the sports and haven't spent a penny since!
Total spent today - €55.87
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