Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 30 – March 30th

All I can say is I'd hate to think how bad I'd feel if I hadn't stuffed myself full of Berocca, Dyoralite, Motillium and Paracetamol yesterday. Today I'm just tired. But that's nothing new these days. It only dawned on me recently that it may be due to the distinct lack of Iron in my body after giving blood a few weeks ago. As a result of this revelation I took myself off to the Pharmacy where the chemist took €6.25 off me in return for Ferrograd C iron tablets. Hopefully they'll do the business and I'll be back to feeling like myself again soon. Then again, it's not as if I'm famed for my boundless energy. Liz went so far as to call me "a vessel of sleepiness" on Saturday night and over the years many others have likened me to a koala bear, as apparently all I do is sleep and eat. Speaking of which - €3.95 on soup and €2 on a smoothie.


You know you're roots are getting bad when your dad comments on them. I think it's time for a visit to the hairdressers. Brian has offered to call over with some parazone and do it on the cheap so I don't have to spend much money. However, it was decided against the frugal option, as the resultant stay in hospital would cancel out any money saved at the initial hair bleaching stage of the process. I will put a call to Loreal on my list of phone calls I need to make tomorrow.

Total spent today - €12.20 (Iron Tablets, soup and a Smoothie)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 29 – March 29th

I'm still in the horrors.

Considering I didn't get up till 12 and had to fly home in this state I feel like I've had a remarkably productive day. Probably not as productive as all the people who cooked for me, but productive nonetheless.

The morning/afternoon began with a stressful trip to Ailish's. £3.10 on the train. How it took me an hour to get from Balham to Battersy I will never understand, but when I arrived, Joe and Mairead were busy in the kitchen and a few minutes later they produced a feast of a lunch that my poor weary, hung-over body will be eternally grateful for. After only an hour or so it was time to leave for the Airport - £13.30 on the train – where I met up with Lizzie, who looked just like I felt. She spent the last of her sterling on water, a sambo and sushi for me and down we sat eating and praying that our flight would be on time. Happily it was and upon landing in Dublin airport I bought us both Smoothies - €9.50 – in an effort to pep us up enough so that we could make it home. Thankfully Liz had her car and gave me a lift back to Rathfarnham where I changed into my trakkies, grabbed Season Two of 'The Wire' and headed off to Olivia and Conor's, arriving just in time for Dinner. Some spuds, carrots, gingerale and a chocolate cupcake later we sat down to watch episode one and I promptly fell fast asleep. Why I did not go to bed as soon as I got home I do not know. But dinner was a nice surprise and it involved potatoes which were vital to me in the state I was in.

Total spent today £16.40 and €9.50

Day 28 – March 28th

I am broken, officially broken. This however is only to be expected when you stay up for about 22 hours straight and polish off close to 6 bottles of wine between three people. I'm so toxic I don't even have the energy to shudder at the thought.

The day began innocuously enough with slap up 'breakfast of champions' in preparation for our big day of Wedding Dress shopping which lay ahead. An efficient trip out to Richmond in yet another street car, courtesy of the map application on Sarah's iPhone and we were ready to begin. By the way, I'm definitely getting an iPhone when my Vodafone contract is up. They're deadly. The whole process of trying on dress after dress also went very smoothly. I feel it helped that we stopped in Wagamama for lunch to refuel and prime ourselves for more. £12 on something Japanese and noodley, asparagus and tea and we were ready to go again. It was only when we were in the car on the way back that we realised how exhausted we were and that there was no way we were going anywhere that evening. A quick stop off in Sainsburys for some groceries and a bottle or two of wine (just in case!) - £15 - and we were back home cooking dinner in our pyjamas.

As is was earth day we turned off all the lights and appliances at 8.30 and had a delightful candlelit dinner and a few drinks. We followed this up with some ghost stories (as we were in the dark) and some more drinks. Then some games and some more drinks and a few more drinks…. Then just a few more. It was bright when we finally called it a night and hit the sack. I feel it was a feat of superhuman strength that three 'ladies' who, at 7.30pm were too tired to do anything but laze around in their pyjamas, managed to stay up for about 11 hours more.

Total spent today £27. I am also totally spent.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 28 - March 28th

Liz and I are going to visit Sarah in London this evening for a long overdue catch up and some wedding related shopping. For a number of very obvious reasons, I will clearly not be partaking in the shopping but will be along for some appropriately timed oohing and ahing when dresses are donned. Sarah’s great - in a supreme effort to help me ‘not shop’ she has been valiantly baking and cooking and stocking up on wine so we can have a home cooked feast of the gods, thus negating the need to go out for expensive dinners. I’m actually getting hungry just thinking about it.
As a result of my impending trip, I was back on the bus this morning. Happily, the trip on the 17 is not quite as hateful as I remember from my school days. It arrived promptly at 8.30, I had my pick of a number of seats and was at my desk by 9am. A doddle some might say. For one brief moment I began to picture my new life as a loyal Dublin bus customer. Then I realised that it was probably cheaper to take the car and cheapest to cycle so it looks like the bus is reserved purely for airport visits. It was a noble vision while it lasted.

€1.80 on the bus (and I had the right change today so no wastage).

Piping hot tea this morning courtesy of Sinéad and Insomnia. Just the job!

€3.95 on soup and a delightful conversation about world domination, hermaphrodites, homosexuality and of course my impending trip to London. I’m so giddy and excited today I’m surprising even myself. Consequently I’m being highly disruptive. Were I in school I suspect I’d have been thrown out of class by now. Only an hour left before I leave for the airport – Wohoo!

I'm such an idiot. I've been overexcited distracted all afternoon and pretty much all I've been able to think about is going to the airport, to the point where I've been joking about leaving since lunchtime. It's 3.45pm now and I'm on the Aircoach. Why, I hear you ask, am I not on the more economical and budget friendly Dublin Bus? Because, dear reader, I've missed it. So for some strange reason, known only to the gods, I managed to miss a bus I've been itching to take all afternoon and as a result I'm down €8 to the Aircoach people. Boo Hiss and a slap on the wrists for me.

€2.70 for a peppermint tea at the airport. Expensive I know and under normal circumstances I would now be commencing a rant about the price of stuff at Dublin Airport. However, as the cup was so large and the volume of water so great, the lovely Starbucks man gave me an extra teabag to ensure the sufficient strength of said tea. As a result, I ended up being quite pleased with my purchase and not at all bitter.

Street cars are great. I don't fully understand the inner workings of the system, but from where I was sitting (the back of a fancy new Golf) they seem pretty cool to me. Put simply, “Street Cars” are a pay as you go car club where you can have the use of a car for as little as 30 minutes or as long as 6 months, depending on how long you reserve it for. There are cars parked at handy locations all around London (and other UK cities) that you can rent at a pretty reasonable cost. This system seems very useful for those who choose not to own a car but sometimes have long journeys to make, such as picking two friends up from Gatwick Airport! Sarah reserved one for three hours for £14 so that she could collect us. This particular one lives less than a 5 minute walk from her house so was very convenient when we dropped it back and subsequently had to drag our cases home. The majority of the time Sarah takes public transport or scoots around on her Vespa. The street cars have negated the need for her and Kev to own a car and also in all likelihood have gone some way to decreasing the traffic congestion in central London.

Total spent today - €16.45. Would have been €10.25 had I not missed the bus.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 26 - March 26th

There was no time for dilly dallying this morning so over the toll bridge I went - €1.80 each way.

Just about managed to fit in a run with Ciara’s iPod before getting my grand tourismo of Dublin underway. I’ve finally reached the point where I’m enjoying running. I knew it would come eventually, but I was beginning to doubt myself. The knees have been acting up a bit lately, but if I keep it up, slow and steady, I’m sure they’ll be fine. If Bernard Dunne can fight through the pain then so can I! I’ve been indulging myself in a little iPod related web surfing lately, trying to decide on the most appropriate device for my needs. Initially, I was glad of the opportunity to have time to thoroughly mull over my potential purchases. I may now be at the point however where I’m beginning to over think these acquisitions. Either way, the web surfing is coming along nicely and I’m almost in a place where I may be able to make a decision. Once I’ve decided on my iPod needs, I will then get researching on the heart monitor. This however is more of an extravagance than a need and may require serious investment so I think I’ll wait till after the mini marathon to make any decisions. I will have a far better idea then as to where I stand on the whole running issue.

From DCU, I zipped back across the city for my Yoga class where I bent, stretched and contorted myself in accordance with petite teacher’s instructions. We were subjected to some new and exciting postures which I attempted with enthusiasm, only to find myself careering towards my mat while endeavouring to look like a crow. I suspect I’m going to be sore tomorrow. A quick dip into the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, some dyoralite (it’s good for flying too apparently and I’ll be doing some of that tomorrow) and an orange barley sugar which reminded me of being sick as a child. As deliciously sticky as I remember them – yum!

On to Blackrock where I finally had a chance to eat. I hate that canteen. Thieving gypsies. A sambo, peppermint tea and a bottle of water set me back €7.70. Is it any wonder I avoid that place like the plague these days. Evidently I’m not the only one as there wasn’t much evidence of many other diners there.

Total Spent today €28.90 (Toll x 2 - €3.60; Pharmacy - €15.60; Robbery in the canteen - €7.70)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 25 – March 25th

Again not at Weight Watchers and again making progress. Go me! I know if I were there right now I'd be close to getting a little silver seven and dreaming about my stone. I wonder when I go back and they see all the weight I'll have lost will they give them to me then? I'm all about the rewards you see so it stands to reason that I would be focusing on this and worrying about missing out on my prizes and recognition!

Not spent - €10 on WW

Tea - €1.70

Word of the day – Recessionista: "A person who is able to stick to a tight budget while still managing to dress stylishly". Looking at my outfit today it's highly doubtful whether I could realistically claim to be one. I don't really think I'd be the most stylish of dressers even if I had all the money in the world. But I now have an image of myself as an uber stylish recessionista, and anyone who's ever read the secret knows that if you believe it then it will happen!

Soup – €3.95 – Had to pay today L Was delicious as usual though.

Petrol -€20 – I think I only just made it to the filling station on time. The light had been on all day and I was genuinely concerned for my little petrol tank. Wisely I decided to fill up at a station down a hill rather than up it so were I do stall I could coast to my destination.


Total spent today - €25.65

Not Spent - €10


Day 24 - march 24th

I seem to be awake today. This is good progress. I still opted for a little kick start cappuccino - €2.50 – that I think I now feel guilty about as I really didn’t need it. A tea would have been perfectly acceptable; cheaper, bigger, less fattening and with a slightly more moderate level of caffeine. I do love an insomnia coffee though. Now if only I could train myself to enjoy it without the frothy milk, I would save myself cash and calories. I did it with tea; surely I can banish milk from my coffee too. Will think about it – I really do love the froth though…..
Went to by soup for my lunch only to discover I was due a free one- yey! Broccoli and Feta. Wasn’t what I expected but satisfying all the same.

The tingling started about an hour ago and now I’m sitting here with a full blown, mammoth cold sore on my bottom lip. Fantastic - not only do I now look repulsive, but the tingling has turned into itching and I may need to tape my hands behind my back to stop myself from touching it. I feel like poor Phoebe in that episode of “Friends” where she and Charlie Sheen get the Chicken Pox and had to duct tape each other into pairs of oven gloves. I think the thing I hate most about cold sores is how speedy and inconsiderate the little feckers are. As a result, the fact that I have a few tubes of Zovirax at home is irrelevant. I’m never there or in a position to speed back when they strike. It’s now 2pm and I won’t be home till about 10ish so an emergency trip to the chemist is my only option. Though even now I’m probably too late for it to have any pre-emptive effect. I better inform the boys – no kissing for Scabby Lips for a few days. I can hear hearts breaking all over the world as I type…..

€7.80 for a 2g tube of Viralief. Pharmacist lady informed me that though it was €2.50 cheaper than Zoviraz, it contained the exact same stuff. After assuring me of this fact for the third time I went for the Viralief. It just goes to show the power of the brand. Had she not been there to assuage my fears around picking the cheaper, more generic product I’d have forked out the extra cash on the more expensive branded one – and I worked in marketing! I should know better.

€2.20 on parking outside Fay’s house. I used up all the coins I had, but was only paid up till 6.35pm so had to leave my little micra in a rather vulnerable position for the last 25 minutes of the designated pay and display hours. I felt like I was playing a type of parking Russian roulette with my car and it didn’t sit easily with me. Thankfully when I got back to “Elizabeth” a few hours later there were no tickets strategically placed under the wipers and even better, no bright yellow clamp secured around my back wheel.

In bed now with my diseased lip and tube of viralief at close hand.

Total spent today - €12.50 – Coffee, Viralief and parking,

Day 23 – March 23rd

Today I may be the most tired I've ever been in my whole life. I think perhaps being a domestic goddess has taken quite a lot out of me! As a result I started my day with a good strong coffee - €2.75. That didn't work so I followed it up with a cup of tea – €1.70. As you may have deduced, Flaskie has taken a trip to Thermos Heaven. It seems Thermoses (could that really be the plural of Thermos?) born in the 70s were not designed for the rigours of dishwasher cleaning. As a result, I'm €4.45 down to the Insomnia moguls that specialise in keeping weary students awake on a Monday morning. Today they have just about succeeded with me.

I've also made an executive decision not to go to "Spring Break" when they delight fans of the 80s in Tripod in a couple of weeks. Even though gigs are no longer against the rules, I may finally be learning to be a little more conscientious with my money or lack thereof (except of course where coffee is concerned). Although my finances have been in better shape, I know I could probably afford to go but there are a few things coming up that are going to set me back a few Euro so I think it best to step away from the blue eyeliner and leggings and leave the backcombing for another day.

I've just taken a walk to the library to pick up my next Book Club book. I'm so tired I nearly threw up on my way there. This is not good! After all that, the flippin book wasn't shelved where it was supposed to be. Is it any wonder? The catalogue directed me to the English Poetry section and I'm 100% sure we are reading a Booker Prize winning novel this month. My search will continue. Failing that I know my mum has it somewhere, she may just have to retrieve it from a friend, but definitely no need to actually buy it. I still have about a third of "Marley and Me" to read so can wait a few days. I just love that unruly dog. He reminds me so much of my dearly departed Sooty.

Have finally finished "Not Buying It". I get the distinct impression that by the end of the year Judith's friends were treating her and her partner much like charity cases, sending them care packages of DVDs etc. But fair play to her, she did it, with only a few minor lapses. My favourite new word today is 'spavers', a term coined to describe those who spend in order to save. These folks are the type who take advantage of special offers such as two for the price of one, though in the end they may be lumbered with two of a product they may never use instead of just not spending the money in the first place.

It's 7pm now and I'm climbing into bed with a cup of tea and a plan to spend the next three hours listening to "Off the Ball" on Newstalk to savour some more good sporting news. Tomorrow the world may be back to normal and the news filled with talk of more strikes, recessions and murders. The past few days have been a welcome relief.

Total spent today - €4.45

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 22 – March 22nd – Mother’s Day

Today I played a blinder. I feel like I morphed into some strange combination of The Irish Rugby Team, Jamie Olliver and Martha Stewart (before her lawless days). Mother's day has indeed been a resounding success.

Tea in bed for Mum, then Poached Eggs on Toast (too messy to be eaten anywhere but the kitchen table); a snack of delicious Apricot and Orange Muffins made from scratch with a dollop of Greek Yoghurt and washed down with good Coffee. Piece de Resistance came at dinner time – Potatoes roasted with Olive Oil and Rosemary; Brocolli, Carrots and toasted Almonds; Sugar Snap Peas; SautĂ©ed Shallots and Baked Salmon with Basil and Lemon and a Tzatziki type dip. I think I'm more impressed with me and my culinary extravaganza than the family are!

Ducked into Supervalu this morning to stock up on some ingredients where I gave in and also bought a new lead. 24 hours later and missing lead still hadn't turned up so decided that at this stage the purchase was necessary.

Circa €30 for ingredients and lead.

Right around the time Liverpool were rounding off a great weekend of sports by beating Villa 5-0, I got busy booking flights again. I'm off to a conference in the States in June so had to make sure I was booked on a plane which would get me there. I'm also planning to do a whirlwind tour of the East Coast in an effort to catch up with as many friends as possible. That being the case, I'm flying into Boston and out of Philly and have also booked an internal flight between Boston and Baltimore (miles cheaper than the train and just as cheap but hours quicker than the bus). If I had more time and money I would be more concerned about my Carbon Footprint, but I don't. Will bus it between Baltimore and New York and New York and Philly and anyone who's ever been on a Greyhound will know that that's enough for anyone.

€509 for flights from Dublin to Boston and Philly to Dublin (reimbursable).

€50 for a flight from Boston to Baltimore.

Total spent today - €80 (I'm not counting my long haul flights as I'm not actually paying for them.)

For anyone who's interested here is the Muffin Recipe I used.

Day 21 – March 21st – Grand Slam Saturday

Good Lord what a day! My heart has been in my mouth so many times that I think my intestines and internal organs were seriously considering permanently rearranging themselves. I've also been so close to peeing in my pants that I have genuinely been contemplating the fitting of a catheter for all future sporting occasions. Especially ones of today's magnitude. After Man Utd lost 2-0 I began to develop a very good feeling about the rest of today's sporting fixtures, but nothing was to prepare me for such nail biting rugby and passionate boxing, the likes of which I have never seen before. Incredible.

They are amazing athletes - so fit and so mentally strong - I have a newfound respect for them. What they put themselves through is unbelievable. None of these comments have anything to do with my spending habits but I'm just so blown away I have to write about it! I suppose I could say that as I ended up having to watch the Rugby in the Chinese and elected to watch Bernard Dunne at home with my dad that I was shielded from the temptation to booze it up in some pub and therefore spent nothing while witnessing sporting history!

Before my day of sports kicked in however, there was the small matter of paying the lovely Marina for cleaning my apartment from top to bottom. That woman has no idea how appreciated she is. I think there are about 6 households in the Churchtown/Rathfarnham area that would gladly erect a statue in honour of her and her cleaning greatness. Think Bernard Dunne with a hoover and you're nearly there - €25.

Marina goes to Mum and Dad's house after she finishes with my place so I usually call over and take the dogs for a long walk so they're not in her way. Today was no exception so I arrived to some frenzied and frantic barking about 5 minutes after Marina did. Then the problems started. Just one problem really. One of the leads had gone missing. We searched the house from top to bottom and checked all the cars but there was still no sign of it. I knew it was really lost when smart dog didn't even attempt to look for it. In the past he's barked outside rooms he's known his lead to be in, in an effort to persuade someone to take him for a walk. Not so today. I was repeatedly told by members of my family to just go and buy another lead, mostly because the dogs were going insane and I really needed to get them out of the house. I however felt I couldn't justify such a purchase as the lost lead had to be somewhere. In the end I took them to the park where leads were surplus to requirements in the hope that missing lead would turn up. It hasn't.

It's Mother's Day tomorrow. In some households this may be considered a non event. In our family however, this is most definitely not the case. By this afternoon preparations for the mother of all mother's days were well underway. I put Dublin based brother on present duty and he duly appeared home this afternoon with a selection of blackberry, loganberry and raspberry bushes for the garden. Australia based brother has been informed that this day is upon us and I've strongly hinted that he might like to send some flowers. I am on cooking duty and have planned a feast to beat all mother's day feasts. Such preparations of course, demand some serious food shopping so I forked out €30.87 in the fruit and veg shop and will be hitting SuperValu in the morning. Then I settled in for the sports and haven't spent a penny since!

Total spent today - €55.87

Day 20 – March 20th

I'm sitting here listening to the radio. One of the biggest news stories of the morning is that U2 tickets are going on sale at 8am. I won't be buying them for two reasons.

  1. I have no money (refer back to maxed out Credit Card entry on Paddy's Day).
  2. I don't think they're necessary.

After a discussion about the rules of the game the other day it was decided that service based products were not to remain part of the experiment. If I'm honest with myself, don't necessarily think they are any more or less essential than many physical goods. I also firmly believe that these service based products also strongly contribute to the overconsumption epidemic into which we are facing. I do however think that for my own mental health, sanity and social life it's sometimes important to go for some food or a drink with friends or to a gig or the cinema. Over the past few weeks I've begun to realise that if I cut everything out completely and kept this up for more than a couple of months, I'd end up friendless and alone at its conclusion. That's not to say that I've to agree to everything that presents itself, a little bit of discretion and common sense will now acompany me wherever I go. For this reason, I'm not too concerned about the U2 tickets. I could probably scrounge around and get the cash together for a ticket if I really wanted to go but I don't. My Croke Park Date this summer is with Gary, Mark, Howard and Jason. Bono, Larry, Adam and Edge can just kiss my Take That loving behind.



I'm just back from a delightful lunch with John, a friend who I haven't seen in months, probably not since 2008 actually. Had I still been disallowing such occasions, I suspect it would be the summer before I'd see him, so I was perfectly happy to hop on the number 10 bus to town for a chat and a catch up. It being Daffodil day I stopped to give volunteer lady a fiver and procure a daff. I didn't even think that this might be going against the rules, and frankly, if it is, stuff the rules. I've known too many people who've been riddled with Cancer to stare at the ground and walk on by as if daffodil lady didn't exist. John bought me a coffee after lunch and since he doesn't do charity I told him, much to his dismay, that I was donating that €2.50 too.

€11 for Lunch

€3.20 on the Bus

€5 for Dafodil day.



Just entered a charity raffle for €4. It too was for the Cancer, so who was I to refuse? There goes John's €2.50 and a smidge of my own cash to boot!

€4 on two tickets.


Total spent to day - €22.20

Total not spent – really not sure. Probably nothing as I don't know whether I'd have rushed to buy those U2 tickets had my situation been any different.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March 19th – Day 19

Well I've just been for a run with my fancy watch. Turns out it's either so fancy that I can't figure out the instructions or else it's broken. I'm usually pretty good with instructions so I think it's acting up. It has no problem telling the time but I can't seem to successfully set an interval time, which is what I need to do at the moment. On the bright side, Ciara lent me her iPod for the duration of my run so I didn't have to exercise in silence.

FYI – my post experiment shopping list is beginning to shape up nicely and so far contains:

  1. An egg poacher
  2. An iPod Shuffle
  3. A heart rate monitor watch (should I be unable to figure this one out)


€22.69 on Petrol, Water and a bag of Popcorn en route to DCU. My car and my belly required sustenance.

€1.70 on a cup of peppermint tea. Not something I'd usually indulge in in DCU but I had just spent close to two hours freezing my ass off in a lecture theatre which made me thing of penguins in the Antarctic. Convinced my lips were about to turn blue I thought it best to warm up with a nice cuppa before lecture two – which thankfully was in a warmer lecture theatre.


I had to darken the doorstep of Tesco Rathfarnham on my way home today. God I hate that place. Besides the fact that I believe Tesco to be the root of all evil, I can never find anything there and even after its recent makeover it still looks like it's straight out of the 70s. Very uninspiring. I needed smoked salmon, peas, asparagus, a red pepper and tomatoes. I left with the smoked salmon and the peas. The asparagus and pepper were nowhere to be found and my anger at this was so pronounced that I forgot the tomatoes. I was also freezing again after circling the refrigerated fruit and veg section for so long. If I hadn't been in such a hurry I'd have driven out of my way to go to the fruit and veg shop or SuperValu. I don't care how rushed I am next time, I'm driving past understocked, underwarm nasty Tesco.

€8.62 to the evil multinational.

Total spent today €33.01 and my patience with Tesco.

Not Spent – Whatever asparagus, a red pepper and tomatoes cost (unintentional).

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 18 – March 18th

3rd week not going to weight watchers, 3rd week on my own scales and finally some success. At long last. Of course now I'm going to be in a good mood all day as clearly the scales dictates my happiness! I'm actually shocked I've managed to lose anything after my night of drunken debauchery, fine dining and chipper dining on Saturday. Must be the running. I still itch when I think of how much I spent on Moratorium Day.

Not Spent - €10


Just got a battery for my fancy watch - €5.10. Now all I have to do is figure out how to insert it and which buttons need pressing and I'm off…


€3.95 for soup and a slice of bread. If I hadn't eaten all the chilli I made the other day I might have been able to bring some in with me. But it was just too delicious to save for today!


Spent so long trying to figure out how to put music on my phone that I didn't have time to go running with my fancy watch. I also didn't figure out the music syncing tool on my phone so now when I go running at the crack of dawn tomorrow, it will again be without music. What's killing me is that in Aldi or Lidl they have an MP3 player for €30 which I'm sure would serve my music needs admirably but I can't buy the damn thing. I'm beginning to think this problem with my music, or lack thereof is going to become the most challenging issue surrounding this whole experiment. At this stage I'd even be happy if I could tune in the radio to my phone just to have something to distract me from the pain of running. Alas, I can't even manage to do that. Perhaps a Nokia website may shed some light on the problem.


Exhausted, needed a sugar hit. Fruit pastels – about 70 cent.

Total spent today: €9.95

Not spent: €40 – WW and Aldi MP3 plyer.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 17 – March 17th – St Patrick’s Day

Well it's low key paddy's day!

The morning has been spent watching TV online. It's a beautiful day though so it's time for action. Am about to go to the park with the dogs, meet Helen for a cuppa and then perhaps partake in some family feeding time. Aim for today is to spend nothing. Should be easy as I have nothing to spend!


Well my day of making zero transactions has been a resounding success. I had a lovely day in the company of various people and of course, the dogs. Became very excited at one point when my brother told me I could have his old iPod shuffle. I thought all of my running concerns had been resolved. Not so. He had lent it to a friend a few months ago and upon requesting it back discovered that it had been lost. When I suggested getting aforementioned friend to replace the stray shuffle, he informed me that as he had another iPod now, he'd rather be reimbursed for the value of the missing item. Makes perfect sense for brother but still leaves me in the unenviable position of being tuneless on my runs. Brother also believes that a replacement iPod is a necessary item – I'm not so convinced! Am about to go to bed but I feel a quick search for some Nokia accessories is now in order as tomorrow I have to figure out how to download some peppy music to my phone.


How exciting! Not only have I just located all the cables and wires needed for music-phone synchronisation, I have also unearthed my fancy heart rate monitor/watch thingie that, try as I might, I could not lay my hands upon the other day. As I thought, it needs a battery, but once it's charged up and ready to go I suspect I too will have the energy and stamina of a Duracell Bunny. When you've got the gadgets you just feel the part and that has to be worth at least another kilometre on the road!

Day 16 – March 16th

I just forked out €35 to register for the Great Ireland Run. I think I feel sick. Writing down my expenditure is actually a very disturbing process. Will get a stamp later and send off a chq for €22 for the Mini Marathon. Had been planning to raise money for charity for one or both of the runs. I guess now my aim is to make back more than I spent on entering the flippin things. All I can say is the goodie bags better be impressive and the medals made of solid gold!

€57 on the races, 55 cent on a stamp, 10 cent on an envelope and €1.05 on a tin of sweetcorn for my Chilli.


Oh god, I'm mortified. Was on my way to pick up the dogs for a walk when I realised I had almost no petrol. Put in a tenner's worth and as I had no cash on me, handed over the Visa only for it to be declined. How embarrassing. I knew I was up near my limit after registering for the run and taking €50 out on it on Saturday night but thought I might just squeeze in the petrol. No such luck. Thank goodness I had my emergency €20 at home and was able to run back and get it. I think I was still red with the mortification when I returned 5 minutes later. It's moments like this that make me regret reducing my limit down to €500. But in hindsight I always know it was a good thing!

Total spent today €68.70 and some dignity.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 15 – March 15th

It's been a relatively quiet day on the spending front, though after yesterday I'm officially poverty-stricken. It didn't help that the search for a money stocked ATM in the taxi at 4.30 in the morning took us to five ATMs and ended up doubling the cost of the fare from €12 to €24. Most inconvenient. I suppose what was even more inconvenient was the fact that I came home phoneless. However the Good Samaritan who came across it on the floor in Club Nassau last night went to great lengths to find me and I retrieved it from Pearce Street Garda Station this evening. How nice of him.

I did however do some deputised shopping today. Ever since the family discovered the wonderful world of Skype, we've been having great chats with my brother in Australia. He's been waving down his webcam at us from Perth but alas, as we had no webcam there was no waving from the Dublin contingent. This changed yesterday as I skipped into Harvey Norman with mum's purse and handed over €45 of her hard earned cash in exchange for a little dinky camera. Waving ensued, the camera was then pointed at the dogs so barking ensued and visitors to the house were also summoned to the kitchen to greet Australia based Stephen. Technology, it was agreed, is a wonderful thing.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 14 – March 14th – “Moratorium Day”

So I'm sitting here watching the Man Utd – Liverpool match on my soon to be cancelled Sky Sports. Have been for my run, sans iPod and believe me it's so much tougher without some tunes to keep me going up the hills. I'm pretty sure I can download music to my phone so that may be my mission for tomorrow. This will initially involve foraging for a few cables and my Nokia earphones. I'm praying this search will be the most challenging part of the procedure. I just hope my phone can take it. It's been acting up lately and if it too dies I'll be in serious trouble. The passing of my two iPods and the degenerative virus afflicting my phone has got me thinking about my future telecommunication and music needs. I'm thinking perhaps a move to O2 could be a money saver and were I to make the switch I could then invest in an iPhone, negating the need for a new iPod. As running with an iPhone is not ideal, when I'm stateside in June I think I will also invest in a dinky iPod Shuffle for very few dollars. Then I'll be all set.

Half an hour gone and it's 1-1 – come on Liverpool….

I've also been out and about this morning buying a few bits in the greengrocers and doing some preparation for my moratorium boozing. Lord knows how, but even after Ciara coming back with half of Sainsbury's yesterday I still managed to spend €27.26 on fruit, veg, beans, eggs and veggie sausages. Upon analysing my receipt, the berries, eggs and veggie sausages seem to have been the biggest offenders. I then moved on to mum's where I thieved some redoxin. Last stop was the chemist for dioralyte and motilium €6.50. These last few messages were all procured with the intention of quashing any hangover that may dare to darken my life tomorrow. Redoxin for the Vit C, Motilium for the tum and doioralyte for the dehydration (I already have Pannadol for the head should it be required). I refuse to give up my Sunday to the after effects of Moratorium Day.

Had a bit of a purchasing dilemma in the Chemist though. After stealing the Redoxin from mum's kitchen, I spotted that the Pharmaton Active G was on offer. Buy one get one free. I stood there with them in my had for about 2 minutes mulling over my vitamin requirements for the foreseeable future. Eventually I decided that the purchase was unnecessary and therefore not allowed. Back they went to the shelf and out I walked with just what had been on my list.

2-1 to Liverpool – Wohoo! That'll learn Dad for taking Joe instead of me. Just got a text from them at Old Trafford telling me I'd be killed if I were there! Atmosphere tense!

Moratorium Day will begin in about three hours. A drink or two during the rugby, dinner with wine and maybe some champers and then on to the pub. You may be able to take the girl out of the experiment; however, you just can't take the experiment out of the girl. I'm bringing a naggon of Vodka and some 7up out with me for later! Doesn't really go with the "Fancy" theme of the day but it may be more of a necessity than anything else as I suspect that once dinner is paid for I may well be down to my last few pennies!

Total spent so far today: €33.76

Not Spent: €5.95 on BOGOF Active G

Half Time

FT : 4-1 – Glorious day!


Ok – so moratorium day is almost over It's nearly 5 in the morning and between pre dinner drinks during the rugby, dinner & drinks, Karaoke and drinks, dancing and drinks, taxi and chipper I reckon I've spent about €160. A scandal.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 13 – March 13th

I'm worried about my iPod. It's seriously acting up and I need it for my running. My original one died a few months ago but I still had the Nano to keep me going. Now, however, it seems to have taken on a mind of its own; stopping, pausing and skipping songs whenever the mood takes it. Whether I'd want to buy a replacement now while I'm not shopping isn't even worth consideration as I can't afford one anyway. I had planned to replace my original iPod when I was in the States in June but now may need to replace Nano instead as it's a little more portable and run-friendly. That reminds me – I need to root out my fancy running watch/heart rate monitor thingie which I acquired the last time I dove into the world of running. I hope I can find it. I'm pretty sure it's in my room somewhere but I suspect it may need a new battery – am I allowed to buy one?


My iPod is not acting up – it is dead - and I need to go out for a run. I think I might cry. I also can't find the watch. Found the heart rate monitor bit but no timing device. I now have to go out and run 7 minutes, walk 2 and repeat with no watch and no music. Disaster.


Back from run – is it bad that all I could think about on my way around were all the nice new shiny things I am going to buy either when this experiment is over or when I have the money. Clearly an iPod is on my list, but after being reduced to using my phone to time my progress around Rathfarnham (a substandard solution at best) I now also have designs on a fancy new heart rate/distance monitor/watch thingie. In some ways I'm glad of the constraints put on my shopping. This way, instead of running out (pardon the pun) and buying loads of fancy new equipment for my new career as an Olympic athlete, I can press pause on the frantic spending and actually wait and see whether I stick with the running this time.


Ciara has just arrived home from NI with what can only be described as a feast of Organic fruit and veg from Sainsburys. Yum! My shopping list for tomorrow has just been reduced to oranges, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, mushrooms and perhaps some parsnips. I may also have to invest in some motillium and dyoralyte as I'll be needing them to help me cope with Sunday's hangover. I have declared Saturday "moratorium day". Our class night out has been planned for months and as I'm chief organiser and minister, for fun it wouldn't be right for me not to show up. However, other than this "I really have to be there" argument, I haven't exactly figured out a decent excuse to justify my foodie/boozy expenditure so a moratorium has been declared and I'm off out to enjoy myself and spend all my cash on a fancy dinner and lots of wine and champers.


Score! While looking for my black nail polish I just found some more moisturiser! Only about 3-4 days worth but valuable nonetheless!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 12- March 12th

Uuuuugh – I'm sick again. It's 7.20 and I've been awake for the past hour with tummy aches. God, that makes me sound like a 5 year old. Anyway, the point is, I'm lecturing today so have no option to lay in bed awaiting a soup bearing Mother. I had planned to be a martyr to the cause and drive out to DCU though town today, thus avoiding the toll on the M50, but adding the guts of an hour to my journey. I can safely say that this will no longer be happening as my guts can't take the extra guts of an hour. I also need to buy Motillium in the hope that it will sort out dodgy tummy. So in a few hours time I will be spending:

€2.80 x2 on the toll bridge

€? On Motillium

Woe is me :(


Have made it home. I'm still alive and didn't even stop for the motillium, more out of laziness than a need not to spend money. Just got a text from Shoshanna, my lovely friend and Avon lady, informing me that the makeup which I ordered a few weeks ago has arrived. Nothing fancy, just some loose powder, concealer and mascara to replace the old stuff which, of course, all ran out within a few days of each other. The bare essentials if you will. Indeed, I do recollect, a time back in school, many mascaras ago, where makeup was strictly verboten (lest we actually begin to look like humans instead of trolls in our ugly green kilts). Clearly we ignored this rule and the essentials, and their application became an integral part of our day. Consisting simply of some concealer, powder, mascara, perhaps a little lip balm if we were feeling fruity and topped off with a squirt of white musk, these essentials got us through some tough acne prone times. If these accoutrements were essential half my life ago, I think I can safely say they still fall into the category of necessary.

€34.70 (Pretty much what a stick of YSL Radiant Touch costs so have saved money by defecting to Avon)

Total Spent today - €40.30 (Makeup and Tolls).

Not spent – whatever Motillium costs.

Day 11 – March 11th

This morning I made the "Big Switch". Yes, the lovely (or extremely irritating depending on how you view her) Lucy Kennedy finally got inside my head, with her oversized light switches and meowing Celtic Kittens. Between TV and Radio, I've been bombarded from all sides for the past few weeks so decided a change was due. 10% savings on my ESB bill, another 2% reduction because I'm already a Bord GĂ¡is customer and a further 2% off for paying with direct debit! Round of Applause for the power of advertising please. Spurred on by my saving success, I then made a virtual trip to callcosts.ie to find out that with my mobile usage I should really be with Tesco Mobile. That will never happen but I may be tempted to a switch to Meteor in July when my Vodafone contract runs out. NTL will be dealt with as soon as I get my next bill and actually have an account number to quote them. So long Sky and Setanta Sports. You will no longer be required. Not really a sacrifice as I've recently realised I watch most of my Football in Mum and Dad's or in the Pub so my sports channels have been surplus to requirements for quite some time. I even called the bank to see how I could weasel out of my fixed term mortgage early in order to avail of the delightfully low variable rates they have on offer. Apparently things needed to be done with computers; calculations made and buttons pressed but great things should be on their way out to me on the post, post haste!

I had a look at my entry form for the Mini Marathon today to try to ascertain the closing date for this year's race. My big mission is to run the whole thing on June 1st. Focus and determination will be needed in large quantities but I'm sure I can do it. Anyway, I digress (as usual). The marathon is on June the 1st and I was hoping to hold onto my entry form till May 1st (when my not spending spree has passed) as it's €22 to sign up. Unfortunately the closing date is mid April so I'm just going to have to suck it up and write the cheque in the next few days. I'll be sure to report my expenditure when that moment occurs. I'm also in a bit of a quandary about the Bupa run. It's in about 3 weeks and I was supposed to sign up for it and start training before Christmas. Christmas came and went, my training plan got adjusted and readjusted and I finally started running in February. I'm now clearly a serious athlete and am just at the point where I may be able to run half of it (at a push) but of course, haven't signed up yet. Now in theory I could run it without the tag and without getting the bag of free stuff at the end. However, if I don't sign up I won't get a medal and as I'm all about the bling I'm really not sure if that's an acceptable outcome. I shall mull on it for a few days and then decide but I suspect I'll be signing up for two 10ks next week and not just one.

I took a scissors to my second last mini tube of moisturiser today. Managed to scoop out the dregs and slather it all over my face. My second mini tube only has a few days left in it before the scissors will have to come out again. Then I will need to replenish. I think I have made the decision to give the cheap stuff in Aldi a go. God knows what's in it to make it so cheap but by all accounts it's fantastic. I will miss my lovely Dr. Hauschka all natural rose day cream but the fact of the matter is it's €30, barely lasts a month and is too hard to spell. Also, it's crazy money – whether I'm trying to not shop or not. So I will give Aldi a go and report back.

So apart from all my saving done today I did spend €25 on petrol.

I didn't spend €10 on Weight Watchers but hopped up on my own perfectly good scales. It will be even more perfectly good when the bright red digital numbers start reducing.

Am about to go to bed but am busy boiling an egg for my lunch tomorrow. I tell ya, this not spending business takes up a lot of time!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 10 – March 10th

Not a whole lot to talk about today. It was a day in which I spent nothing as for the most part spent it in bed sick and feeling sorry for myself! I did however get a glimpse into my future as a geriatric, when my mum arrived at the door with a tray of soup and stewed fruit for me for my lunch. Free meals on wheels is great!

I also spent about 20 minutes trying to get a brush through my birds nest hair. Wurzel Gummidge had nothing on me. Let that be a lesson to me to pack up everything for a Monday on a Sunday night as the forgetfulness is far less severe in the evening than it is first thing in the morning.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 9 – March 9th

Was half way into college this morning when I realised I'd forgotten my lunch. Fantastic. So back I went for my lunchbox and now that I'm finally here I've realised I also forgot to bring some fruit and flaskie - and I could really use a cup of tea. Clearly it's forgetfulness Monday. I should survive for most of the day on Salmon and yoghurt though so all good. Water will keep me sustained!

U2 tickets are going on sale soon – from the special recession busting price of €25 (I'd say about 50 of them will go on sale at €25, and by the time the touts are finished they'll be back up to the usual €400). Guess I'm not going to see them this summer. Certainly not the end of the world though - they're no Take That!

Have eaten most of my lunch and now can't get my lunchbox closed. Everything smells of salmon. I need a better lunchbox – but I can't buy one. So salmon and all things fishy may be off the menu for the next couple of months.

It being forgetfulness Monday, I also forgot to bring in a hairbrush which didn't go down too well after my post yoga shower. Ordinarily of course I'd have bought a brush or comb – not today though. I just dried it messily and threw it up in a bun. I now look like I have birds nest hair but this is high fashion in Quinn so although I feel hideous I'm sure I fit in well!

Have done some grocery shopping €28.78 (€20 of which is the cash I left with Ciara before I went to Bedford). Brian is on his way with a feast of cheeses and lasagne will be made. I need something nice to make up for the stench of salmon that's been following me around all day.

Going to bed. Feel sick (I blame the salmon). Can't get a brush through my hair and I think I have broken flaskie by putting it in the dishwasher. Boo hiss.

Total spent today - €28.78

Not spent – Whatever a brush costs. Probably €3.95 on Soup as ordinarily I wouldn't trek back home for forgotten lunch. €1.70 on a cup of tea.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 8 – March 8th

So I made it home from Bedford after spending only £4.80 of the £50 I brought with me. I don't know whether that's something to be proud of or supremely embarrassed about. Thank god Orna and Simon are coming over for Easter so I can have them over for a feast of a dinner after them feeding me for the past three days.


In some respects it is highly impressive that I made it back with so many pounds (of the currency variety – let's not concern ourselves with the ones related to weight, of which I'm sure I also returned with an impressive quantity). Under normal circumstances, buoyed on by the fact that you can't spend sterling in Ireland, I'd have gone on a veritable spending spree in Luton Airport. The DVDs always seem cheaper, the lotions and potions promise to reduce more wrinkles than those paid for in Euro and all the books which I've been meaning to read for an eternity suddenly seem to be on special offer. My pockets start smoking as the sterling begins to burn a gaping hole in them and before I know it I'm laden down with loot and the spoils of a 10 minute shopping spree. Not so today.  I kept my head down lest I be distracted and walked purposefully towards boarding gate number 2, where I bagged a free mag and waited patiently for Ryanair to herd us onto our flight. 

So that's about £45 not spent.


The thoughts of the lotions and potions however have struck a chord with me today. My skin is staging a protest. I ran out of my usual moisturiser last week and as I'm not supposed to be buying unnecessarily, I felt it only appropriate to run down my stash of partially used Clinique cream before replacing the stuff my face likes. In less than a week it's completely dried out my skin and now I feel like a haggard, weather-beaten old woman akin to Peig Sayers. Thank goodness it's nearly all gone and I can justifiably replace my other stuff next week.

Spent nothing today J

Didn't spend about £45

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 7 - March 7th

March 7th

Am about to head to the cinema to see “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. This has been categorised as research by Orna and Ailish in an effort to justify my presence there. Either that or it’s Cinema on Orna and I’m not interested in scrounging. Besides, no matter who pays I’m still “consuming”. I wonder did Judith Levine think of this on the odd occasion that her friends paid for her to consume.

It’s actually quite hilarious. All this commotion over a film I wouldn’t normally go to see anyway. At least we’re bringing drinks, crisps and choccie with us so no spending at the confectionary counter when we get there. And don’t worry; I won’t be eating the choccie!


For a variety of reasons I actually think I’m going insane. I have just spent the past 3-4 hours being the most miserable, boring uptight version of myself imaginable. Pre “Confessions” I was being laughed at for the pathetic guilty look on my face. I think the girls actually thought I was going to cry as I handed the cash over for my ticket (not a drama queen I swear). Post “Confessions” my silence was being laughed at as Ailish asked was I being so quiet because I was trying to figure out what I was going to write in my Blog – spot on!

I then proceeded to roll up my sleeves and go on a rant about the sheer stupidity of the film and the incompetence and irresponsibility of the shopaholics anonymous leader. Perhaps I was taking my roll as researcher a little too seriously. Apart from the few lines about shopping defining our beloved ex Home and Away starlet, there really wasn’t much in the line of hard hitting consumer psychology issues.

There was a brief moment before we left for the Cinema when I actually considered staying in and just watching the football with Orna’s husband Simon. Then I realized the absurdity of what I was considering. I had flown all the way over here to visit Orna who I only see a few times a year. Ailish, who I also rarely see, had taken the train all the way up from London to see us and instead of spending time with them I contemplated staying in. Perhaps if I had been more vocal I could have put the foot down and insisted we all stay in, after all, how sociable is the cinema really? But why should the girls be forced into a night in because I’m not supposed to be spending money. Man alive this is tough.

£4.80 and a lot of guilt on “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. At least I got a cheap student ticket.

To make up for my misery, Orna bought me fish and chips for dinner. It actually made me feel shittier as usually when I’m over I try to shout Orna and Simon dinner or drinks or something at least once.

Total spent today £4.80
Total not spent £13 on fish and chips dinner.

Day 6 - March 6th

March 6th

This is what I was afraid of…turning into a scrounger. I didn’t stop buying stuff so my friends would start buying on my behalf. I’m now in deep discussions with Lizzie as she’s decided to buy me a ticket to Spring Break as an “Easter Surprise” - Instead of an Easter egg. Funny, because I don’t think Liz and I have a tradition of exchanging eggs. Kinder surprises perhaps, but not big delicious eggy treats filled with chocolaty goodness. And clearly it’s not going to be a surprise…
Anyway, I’m in college all packed for my trip to Bedford. Handbaggage under the maximum 10kg limit is beside me. I’m armed with the Holy Bible according to Judith Levine and my book club book, on loan from the Library of course. The lovely bus driver only charged me €1.15 this morning, because it’s Friday apparently. Silly me didn’t have the exact change though so Dublin bus got €1.50 off me anyway. Boo Hiss. Let that be a lesson to me in forward planning and organisation.

Speaking of forward planning, my bus to the airport should be outside Belfield at 3.20.


The food which I lovingly spooned into a lunchbox this morning has just been binned. Malodorous does not begin to describe the stench emanating from my bag. Somewhere between sour milk and feet is about the closest I can come to describing it. As a result I’ve just forked out €3.95 on some delicious soup and the customary 2 slices of bread. I did however notice that my coffee loyalty card was full so free Cappuccino for Cathy this lunchtime! Yey!


Have just refilled my water bottle and am about to head to the airport on the cheap bus – no aircoach comforts for me. Realised that in about an hour or so my bottle will be at the bottom of some bin beside security. What a waste. You’d think that if it’s empty they’d let you take it on the plane. What am I going to do? Hijack a plane by hitting someone over the head with an empty plastic bottle? Rediculous.


Am on the 746 at last. For a grim moment there I thought Dublin bus was going to be letting me down and I’d be back on the aircoach forking out €7 for a service that I hate almost as much as Ryanair after my run-in with a driver last year.

I just hope my lovely bus driver is a bit of a speedie Gonzalez. In my haste to down my bottle of water pre-security, I neglected to remember that I wouldn’t be near a toilet for at least another hour. Pulling in at Donnybrook garage to swap shifts with another driver didn’t fill my bladder with much hope but now he suddenly seems to have turned into Lewis Hamilton.

€2.50 for the bus to the Airport. (€2.20 for bus and the extra 30 cent ‘cause I didn’t have the right change AGAIN).


€3.85 to change €60.25 into £50 at the airport.

Have rid myself of my water bottle and am determined not to buy another one till I’m back this side of security on Sunday.

Total spent today - €11.80 (bus fairs, food and changing money)
Not spent €9.70 - (€7 on the aircoach, €2.70 on coffee)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 5 – March 5th

So I've spent much of this evening exploring the roads of Northside Dublin, with particular emphasis on Collins Avenue and the N2. The reason behind this unexpected spell of exploration stems from a case of the guilts I've been dealing with since my little e-flow taggie beeped this morning as I zoomed over the toll bridge, informing me that I'd just spent €2 to get from one side of the city to the other. Since then, I've been back to town, out to Finglas and back home again to Rathfarnham, all the while avoiding the evil tolls.

I had another little coup while trying to find parking at the IFSC. As numerous oversized cars and jeeps were queuing to get into Jury's carpark, I spotted an itty bitty spot at the pay and display area, much too small for most cars to even attempt to squeeze into. With a certain sense of pride I deftly and skilfully manoeuvred my Micra into said space and proceeded to sit in my car for 20 minutes before deciding that it was finally time to pay and display and go meet my family.

Parking: €2 (as opposed to the €5 Jury's would have set me back).

Dinner with the family in Milano, where I gleefully produced my "buy one get one free" pizza voucher, saving dad a good €12. Apparently Wayne Rooney and Collen are fans of the voucher, so what's good enough for the Rooneys is good enough for the McGourans.

Back out in Finglas Fiona came up with the discovery of the day, free hair colouring in L'oreal. Because I'm worth it don't you know! Details should be forthcoming and will definitely go a long way towards combating the roots issue that was concerning me, particularly in the run up to Niall and Emma's wedding. I really wasn't looking forward to the two-tone hair look. It actually would have been bad enough by then to detract attention from the Bride.

Total spent today €4 (toll bridge and parking).

Not spent: €8 (€3 extra in Jury's carpark, €3 on the port tunnel, €2 on the toll bridge).

Saved Dad €12

In all seriousness though, that parking... it really was some manoeuvre…

Day 4 – March 4th

9.45am – Not even 10 yet and flaskie is empty. This morning is proving to have a high tea requirement. Also think flaskie may be leaking. Will do my utmost to resist the lure of Insomnia later.

Spring Break – 80s cover band, all round entertainers and supergroup are playing tripod on April the 4th. I love them. I want to go see them, but definitely can't justify spending the money on the ticket. The heat is surely on now. Am picturing myself there now, "Dancin' in the Dark" all "Footloose" and fancyfree, having "The time of my Life". Liz reckons she could buy me the ticket and I could pay her back when the 2 months are up but that's clearly cheating. Think I'll just stay here, "Waitin' for a star to fall" and carry a ticket into my arms, that's where it belongs, in my arms baby yeah, do do do do do do…….


I don't believe it – Judith Levine is on Tom Dunne right now! The Oracle on the subject as dear Tom has described her. In this book of hers (my new Bible) she explains that theoretically, after her year of Not Shopping, she will discover her authentic self, then subsequently worries that her authentic self may in fact be a shopper. I must admit, I share that fear (of myself, not her – I don't care whether her authentic self is a shopper or not). It was therefore interesting to hear her thoughts on her "Not Shopping" experience with the benefit of hindsight (not least because I haven't finished the book yet). It was quite pleasing and heartening to find that we're not all doomed to the fiery depths of hell for wanting stuff, though how she would know I'm not too sure. We all have a tendency towards greed it seems, so it's probably important to keep it in check. Her "Not Shopping" experiment was a way of doing that. She went on a DVD rental binge when she finished. I'll be getting my roots done.

My friend who called me to tell me the lovely Judith was on the radio has just asked me whether or not I should even be using my phone. Thanks for opening that can of worms Mark.


€3.95 for soup and 2 slices of bread


Just got home and Ciara is cooking up a storm in the kitchen. I think I may have inspired her! Hopefully there will be some delicious lunchworthy leftovers for me tomorrow.

Have left her €20 towards next week's shopping and a cupboard re-stock. Was shocked to hear we're out of brown rice – it's usually one of those things I buy, and then get home to discover there's a whole bag of it here yet to be opened. Lentils tend to fall into that category too.

I also gave her €25 to pay our Lithuanian whirlwind of a cleaner, Marina. Though not strictly necessary, she brings a surprising amount of happiness to my life once a fortnight with her remarkable speed-cleaning skills; leaving our apartment immaculate and our hearts full of joy. I'm also not about to fire her for 2 months when she's working her ass off in this country trying to make a decent living. That just wouldn't be on.

I think Orna wants to go to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic" while I'm over visiting this weekend. However, officially, I'm not supposed to be going to the cinema. It has been suggested by some that the subject matter of the film may constitute research. I scoffed at the idea at first but it's amazing how you can convince yourself of the validity of an argument the more you think about it. Still, I can't really go, can I?


Spent today: €48.95 (Soup, food shopping and Marina).

Not Spent: €3.40 on 2 cups of tea.

I'm beginning to hate writing my expenditure down. It's scaring me how much money I'm going through.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 3 – March 3rd

Am sitting here at my desk staring at my disturbingly orange flask which is brimful of boiling water. This rather 70s retro looking thermos was procured from my parents' house at 8am this morning. Upon further inquiry it transpires that it's not so much retro as "antique", originally the property of my dearly departed great-aunt who was reportedly a fan of picnicking. Though old (and orange) I have no reason to doubt its capacity to maintain the heat of my water so I can take pleasure in a few free cups of tea today. After all, I too hail from the 70s and I still function at a moderately acceptable level. Even so, I'm sure I caught someone laughing at flaskie this morning as I carried it over from the carpark.

Along with aforementioned flask, I have also remembered tea-bags today. Two peppermint and two regular. They will be consumed from my Niagra Falls "Cathy" mug, bought in Canada about 5 years ago, which I have also brought with me. Have also stocked up on fruit for snacking and veg for soup which will be made tonight. Organisation is clearly key.

Expenditure so far today:

Petrol - €20 (need to start thinking about cycling more).

Bleach and Loo Paper - €10.52 (12 rolls for the price of 9 – bargain!)

Fruit and Veg - €11.32


I've been here for an hour but don't want to make my tea as I feel like a spa with my bright orange flask.


Another €3.95 on Soup and bread for lunch – tomorrow I'll have my own with me.

13.50 - Dying for a cuppa but still avoiding flaskie.


14.10 – Tea brewed. Impressed with Flaskie – water still warm. Tea tastes a little odd but maybe that's because flaskie hasn't been used since the 70s.

I've decided against going to Weight Watchers or the Cinema this evening. WW I can do without for a couple of months (I hope). Besides, I have learned that every time you donate blood you lose a pound so I'm all set for this week! I haven't however relegated the Cinema to the realms of frivolity just yet. I'm still trying to decide how to classify it.

Have just realised that by tomorrow I'll be a walking advertisement for Thermos: "Flaskie" for tea and a slightly more state of the art "Thermo" for soup. Also just found out that flaskie only holds enough water for a mug and a half of tea. This is an upsetting development L


19.30 - Still in college and was starving so went for food - €5.50 for a pretty substandard veggie burger, peas and carrots. Pathetic meal, ridiculous price. I may still be hungry. They should really have paid me to eat that muck.


22.30 – Just home and in no mood to start peeling veg for soup. Thermo will have to wait another day for his outing as tomorrow's soup will have to be courtesy of Insomnia again.

Total spent today: €51.29

Not spent: €21ish (About €4 on coffee and tea. Thank you flaskie. €10 on Weight Watchers and about €7 on the cinema.)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 2 – 2nd March

€1.70 for a cup of tea. Was it necessary? I was freezing cold, needed a caffeine fix and forgot to bring in my own teabags. A more organised Cathy may have fared better.

€15 handed over for yesterday's in absentia baby purchase.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Weight Watchers – I'm wondering how I can possibly justify its necessity. After all, I own a weighing scales. I can theoretically track my own weight – though have been pretty unsuccessful at it for most of my adult life. I know the WW rules – can I follow them for 2 months without the "support" of the meeting? Just writing that down makes me feel like an alcoholic or drug addict. Oh woe is me :(

I briefly thought I was getting around my airline purchase dilemma as someone reasoned that as I won't be consuming said purchase within the allotted 2 months it may not count. The problem then emerged of the two return flights, booked months ago, that I'll be taking to the UK in March, one in four days time, which I have no intention of canceling. So whatever way I look at it I'm breaking the rules.

I'm reading Judith Levine's "Not buying it – my year without shopping". Seems to me that picking and choosing what constitutes a necessity has been a toughie for her too. "No processed or prepared foods except the most basic – bread". I could whip up loaf of bread in no time, it's the baked beans I'd have trouble with, then again I know my flatmate has a great Baked Beans recipe so no excuses there either I suppose. I'm beginning to think all I'll be doing for the next few months is cooking.

I've also just realised I'm going to have a massive problem with a class night out that I am organising. Drinks, dinner, karaoke - all of which will have to be paid for, none of which are essential or necessary. I may be able to get around the dinner aspect as we all have to eat, but the booze and the few Euro for the karaoke could be pushing it. I haven't yet decided how to categorise alcohol and entertainment/service related purchases, such as Karaoke. I'm thinking I'd want to decide soon.

It's also my brother's birthday tomorrow. A card has been bought – but back in February, and if I'm honest, by my mum and passed on to me. How he'll cope with a non-existent present I'm really not too sure. Will have to discuss with him. Maybe I could bring him to the cinema or something – but Judith Levine didn't go to the Cinema…

I also agreed this morning to go see a film with a friend tomorrow night – now, thanks to Ms. Levine, I'm second guessing myself.

I've just realised my €1.70 cup of tea has gone cold.


This Levine woman is confusing me. She won't go to the cinema, yet she goes to a poetry reading and donates $5. She also views the NY Times as a necessity – can she not read it online (she's already said that her internet access is a necessity)? Personally I could easily go without reading a physical newspaper for a year (or 2 months in my case). I guess this is where different people's versions of necessary come in to play.


€3.95 on veg soup and 2 slices of bread.

€1.50 on 2 bananas

FREE crisps and biccies after donating Blood!

€2.55 for a Mocha – two reasons to feel guilty here.

1) I gave up chocolate for lent (even though I'm the worst Catholic I know and for all intents and purposes am an agnostic) and

2) This experiment.

I am explaining away my Mocha as a necessary purchase, because since my blood donation and fainting spell earlier today, I'd felt generally woozy, tired and completely spaced out. Something sweet and perhaps caffeine related was required to regain my pep, so a mocha it was. As for the Lent business, my Mother reasoned that, as I saved a life today, God (if he does exist) is unlikely to strike me down for consuming chocolate.

Still awaiting return of pep and would quite like my blood back too.


My brother's birthday pizza has just arrived. We got it between us but birthday boy is paying as I'm "not shopping". How pathetic is that, having to buy your own birthday dinner? Dad's also just come home from work. He's singing as he was over in Wembly yesterday watching Man Utd win the Carling Cup. Makes a pleasant change from his rantings over Brian Cowen and the Banks. So we're all happy it seems and all it took was pizza, football and a whole lot of spending. I'm buying my flights to Spain now.

€131 each including CC fee. I hate Ryanair with ever sinew of my being but nobody else flies to Murcia it seems. It will be a challenge to keep my essentials down to 10kg but I'm not giving them the satisfaction of charging me €30 to check a bag in.

€140.70 spent today.

€22 not spent on my Brother's pizza feast. Sorry Joe

Tomorrow is another day – must do better. Though after Pizza and Birthday cake I feel I may need to put in an appearance at WW.


Day 1 – March 1st 2009

Today I took up "Not Shopping". The plan is to only buy necessities for a 2 month period in an effort to better understand what my research subjects will be going through - if I ever get any...

I can't think of anything I specifically didn't buy today however I did spend €1.83 on custard to go with the dessert I made and brought to my friend's for dinner. Part of me feels that as it's a food item and as we needed to eat it falls within the jurisdiction of things I can buy. Another part of me doesn't see dessert as necessary so perhaps I shouldn't have bought it. I don't know. Need to properly define the parameters soon.

I also accidently pledged €15 to a present that was being bought, in part on my behalf, for Vincent's new baby. If I'd been thinking I would have realised that this was a no no and I really should have made or concocted a present out of a toilet roll insert and a fairy liquid bottle (Blue Peter eat your heart out!). However I wasn't thinking and completely forgot about my endeavour so will have to let this slip up pass. Not a great start though.

Another deliberate slip up will also take place in the next couple of days. I attempted to buy flights last week but failed as the CC was maxed out. I've since found out that they've gone up by €20. Dedicated as I am to the cause, I refuse to wait 2 more months to book flights I'm definitely going to take only to find out that they've increased in price by another €100 or so.

So day 1 roundup:

Spent: €16.83 (custard and Sorcha's prezzie)

Didn't spend: 0