Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22nd

It's freezing in here today. Yesterday I wore a polo-neck and by the time I got home I had a heat rash and stank to high heaven. Today I have dressed for Spring as opposed to Winter and I may be developing frostbite on my toes. €1.70 gone on tea in an effort to warm up.

Put on the radiators in a further quest for heat. It's a disgrace that it's so sunny outside yet this room doesn't warm up thereby necessitating the use of the central heating. Anyhoo, I also had a soup €3.95 so am now beginning to feel my toes again and have also indulged in an apple, pear and ginger juice – delicious. Ever since the small size went down to €2 the Zumo guys have been super busy providing me and my fellow students with fruity juicy goodness. Cheaper than a cappuccino and 10 times healthier. Yum!

Nothing much else to report today. It's nearly bed time and I'm freezing again. I spent €2.49 on a bag of cashews earlier – was famished. Have spent most of the evening writing my shopping list for the weekend's big dinner. It's 2 pages long and there is a kilo and a half of prawns on it so all I can say it watch this space!

Total spent today €10.14