Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 17th

This morning did not begin well. I emerged from the shower unable to find Penny and was convinced for about 30 awful seconds that she'd taken a leap for freedom off my balcony. I'd never been as scared as I was when I cautiously peered over said second floor balcony convinced I'd find her lying cadaverous on the road below. Thankfully she had not yet gone to meet her maker and I found her a minute or so later in Ciara's room. I didn't think she was intelligent enough to push a door open, thus enabling her entry. She is however stupid enough not to bark when I call her so inner panic was what took over before I opened the door to find her looking up at me, wagging her tail so enthusiastically that her whole body was shaking. Once all dogs were present and accounted for, I threw on whatever clothes I could find and left with hair still wet just to get them back home to familiar territory.

I was supposed to meet up with my scary life coach this afternoon but cancelled as I just couldn't have coped with all the questions. I am still traumatised from my last experience and I really didn't see an hour spent with Ulf as the best way to lift my mood. It just goes to show that free stuff is not always good stuff.

It all worked out for the best though as it freed up my afternoon so I could fit in a cuppa with a friend instead. Far better for my mental health I think. So apart from my usual lunchtime soup (€3.75) and €1.75 on a yummy Coconut and Orange tea (the request of which seemed to seriously confuse the girl working behind the counter) I spent nothing today. I even managed to go to bed in a slightly brighter mood than I woke up with, as I didn't have Coach Ulf scaring me into making goals for my life.

Total spent today - €5.50

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